Home Getting Started with Assembler for Reverse Engineering

Getting Started with Assembler for Reverse Engineering

Mostly notes for my self, but this is one thing I am interested in learning about. Thanks to my friend M who gave me alot of these links!

0xinfectionl - Reverse Engineering for Everyone - x86, ARM-32, x64, ARM-64, Pico Hacking

Cool tool to paste in some assembler and convert from mnomics to binary and vice versa

Microcorruption Game - haven’t played alot, but could be fun.

Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Combined Volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 4

Exercises in Reverse Engineering - something to get started on

Tools to get familiar with:

Syntax Styles

Intel Syntax

  • first operand is the destination, and the second operand is the source
  • No prefix on registers or immediates
  • Immedates are suffixed with h and b
  • If the first hexadecimal digit is a letter then the value is prefixed by a 0.
  • Base registers use [ ]
addl eax, [ebx]
mov eax,1

AT&T Syntax

  • Registers prefixed with %
  • Immediates prefixed with $, hex is prefixed with 0x
  • First operand is the source, and the second operand is the destination
  • Base registers use ( )
addl (%ebx), %eax
movl $1,%eax

More details here

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